HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-12-2021 Minutes Regular MeetingDr. Scott Woolstenhulme, Superintendent 3497 North Ammon Road, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 83401  (208) 525-4400  Fax (208) 557-6800  www.d93schools.org Board of Trustees  Amy Landers  Chad Dance  Greg Calder  Paul Jenkins  Scott Lynch Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 is an Equal Opportunity Employer Regular Meeting Amended Agenda May 12, 2021 7:00 PM District Office 3497 N Ammon Rd Idaho Falls, ID 83401 I. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Amy Landers. II.Prayer was offered by Scott Lynch. III.Call to Order Chairman Amy Landers called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. IV.Roll Call Chad Dance present Greg Calder present Paul Jenkins present Scott Lynch present Amy Landers present V. Welcoming of Delegates and Visitors Others in attendance were Superintendent Dr. Scott Woolstenhulme, Executive Director of Planning & Personnel Heath Jackson, Chief Financial/Operations Officer Guy Wangsgard, Director of Maintenance & Operations John Pymm, Director of Safe Schools & Technology Gordon Howard, Director of Elementary Special Education and Federal Programs Rex Miller, Director of Social & Emotional Learning Ken Marlowe, Community Relations and Communications Phil Campbell, D93News Samantha Williams, Principals Doug McLaren, TRHS; Scott Miller, HHS; and Levi Owen, BHS; Bonneville Athletic Director Tyler Johnson, Tom Hunsaker, and Board Clerk Mary Hansen. Chairman Landers stated that due to their sensitive nature, complaints about personnel or an individual student must be submitted in accordance to Board Policy 4110 Public Complaints and Grievances. The complaint and grievance form (4110F1) is found on the District’s home webpage www.d93schools.org under School Board tab – Board Policies. VI.Action Items: A. Amend/Approve the Agenda Motion and Order to Amend the Agenda Pursuant to Idaho Code 74-204(4)(a), Chairman Landers read the Motion and Order to Amend Agenda which included the addition of Hillcrest Trip Request to Consent Calendar; and E-Rate Category 2 - Access Point Purchase to Action Items. These requests were received yesterday and today and are time sensitive and asked for a motion to amend the agenda. MOTION: Paul Jenkins moved to amend the Agenda as read. Greg Calder seconded. Motion carried. Chairman Landers then asked for a motion to approve the agenda as amended. MOTION: Greg Calder moved to approve the Agenda as amended. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. B. Motions form Executive Session Student 21-2X Decision MOTION: Chad Dance moved to expel student 21-2X for one calendar year and to conditionally re-admit student 21-2X to Bonneville Online HS. Greg Calder seconded. Motion carried. Employee R2021 Decision Employee T2021 Decision 2 Employee V2021 Decision Employee W2021 Decision Employee X2021 Decision MOTION: Paul Jenkins moved to accept recommendations to approve conditional leave without pay for Employees R2021, T2021, V2021, W2021, and X2021. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. C. Consent Calendar Chairman Landers asked if any Board Member would like to remove any item from the Consent Calendar to the Regular Agenda. Hearing none, she asked if any Board Member had any questions with regard to the Consent Calendar and asked for a motion to approve the Consent Calendar. MOTION: Greg Calder moved to approve the Consent Calendar. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. 1.Minutes of Previous Meetings Executive Session 04-14-2021 Regular Meeting 04-14-2021 Work Session-Special Meeting-Executive Session 04-21-2021 Work Session-Special Meeting-Executive Session 04-28-2021 2. Financial a.Accounts Payable $9,045,588.14 b. Capital Construction Projects Report c.Contracts WIPFLI, LLP ICRMP (Morton Insurance) d.Surplus Items RMMS Library Surplus May 2021 Transportation Surplus May 2021 Technology Surplus 4-19-2021 - Desktop Computers May 2021 Technology Surplus 4-19-2021 - Xirrus Access Points May 2021 District Surplus Items May 2021 3. Employees a. Conditional Employment New Hires May 2021 Summer Hires May 2021 b.Category 1 Rehires c.Resignations and Terminations d. Retirements e. Transfers f.Stipends g.Alternative Authorizations 4. Students a.Early Graduation Requests b.Club Requests TRHS - Thunder Ridge E-Sports c.Trip Requests TRHS - Choir - Sandy, UT on 05-31-2021 TRHS - Student Council - Arco, ID from 06-24-2021 to 06-26-2021 TRHS - FCCLA - Downata Springs, ID from 06-30-2021 to 07-02-2021 BHS - Student Council - Farmington, UT on 05-21-2021 BHS - Performing Arts - Farmington, UT on 06-03-2021 BHS - Ballroom - Salt Lake City, UT from 06-07-2021 to 06-10-2021 TCHS - Technical Careers - Moscow, ID from 06-07-2021 to 06-11-2021 3 TCHS - FFA - Moscow, ID from 06-08-2021 to 06-11-2021 HHS - Cheer Team - Lehi, UT from 06-16-2021 to 06-19-2021 VII.Staff/Student Recognition A. 5A Coach of the Year Jeremy Spencer, Thunder Ridge HS Girls Basketball Chairman Landers invited Principal Doug McLaren to present Coach Jeremy Spencer as 5A Coach of the Year! Mr. McLaren explained that Coach Jeremy Spencer was a new coach with Thunder Ridge opened three years ago. The girls basketball team lost in the final state game. It is a tribute to Coach Spencer to earn this award as second place coach! Coach Spencer spoke highly of the team and looks forward to playing again next year. Congratulations! B. State Wrestling Champions Chairman Landers invited Coach Jody Webb to introduce State 2021 Champion wrestlers! 5A State Girls Wrestling Champion Brooke Boyle, 155 lbs. Weight, Thunder Ridge HS Coach Webb stated that Brooke is the first girl wrestling state champion; she hates to lose and is a good example to her peers. Ms. Boyle stated she loves the sport of wrestling! 5A State Boys Wrestling Champion Talon Eck, 98 lbs. Weight, Thunder Ridge HS Coach Webb is thrilled that the Board recognizes these outstanding athletes! Talen is a go-getter and is flexible in the weight class he wrestles. Talen has learned that if you believe, you can accomplish your goals. C. 4A State Champions, Bonneville HS Cheerleaders Chairman Landers invited Principal Levi Owen and Athletic Director Tyler Johnson to present State 2021 Champions Bonneville Cheerleaders. Mr. Owens feels it is a priveledge to brag about BHS’s cheer programs; the Bee Cheers have been State champions for back-to-back years. Coach McKenzie Howell stated these girls exempilfy excellence, work hard and put in the time and effort to be state champs! D. National Merit Scholarship Finalists: Camden Adams, Hillcrest HS Chairman Landers invited Principal Scott Miller to present Hillcrest HS National Merit Scholarship finalist . Mr. Miller recognized Camden for being a well-rounded student; he is on the scholastic team, tennis team and preparing for college. His teachers recognizes his true kindness he exemplfies with whom he associates with at school. Eliza O'Connor, Thunder Ridge HS Chairman Landers invited Principal Doug McLaren to present Thunder Ridge HS National Merit Scholarship finalist. Mr. McLaren informed the board of the difficult process of earning this award; lots of tests, starting in the sophomore year, essays, applications and being chosen from all junior students throughout the country. Students are also requred to be involved in extra- curricular sports and activities. Annika Scott, Bonneville HS Chairman Landers invited Principal Levi Owen to present Bonneville HS National Merit Scholarship finalist. Mr. Owen stated that Annika has received an appointment to West Point after graduation. She is a smart, well-rounded and dedicated student. VIII.Public Input: Pursuant to Board Policy #4105 Pubic Participation in Board Meetings, Public Input shall be held to a maximum of one (1) hour and will provide an opportunity for any Board Member, administrator, staff member, student, or patron to raise issues of interest. The Board will receive such input without comment, except to ask germane questions of those speaking. Comments should be limited to three (3) minutes. The Board will take no action relative to any items during the meeting, but may direct the Superintendent to consider such items at a subsequent meeting. Read at the meeting: Mary Wilding: Concern with student bullying, harassment and intimidation; forming a focus group to review policy and procedure. Dr. Woolstenhulme stated the district is refocusing on the victums of bullying and with the newly created postion, Director of Social and Emotional Learning, and federal and state funding, will support focusing on all student needs and will help find ways to focus on the victums of harrassment incidents. The principal is the first responder in any harassment incident and parents are encouraged to complete a grievance form and to follow the chain of command. IX.Administrative Reports/Information Items A. Report on the State of the District District Key Financial Indicators – 4 Chairman Landers invited Guy Wangsgard to present on Key Financial Indicators. Mr. Wangsgard presented information on the procedures and accounting software systems used for district budgeting, accounting and reporting: Tyler Technologies Infinite Visions and Idaho Financial Accounting Reporting Management System (IFARMS) and reviewd their components. He listed the key financial performand indicators as: Fund Balance analysis; Property Tax information and projections; Budget versus Actual comparison; Attendance rate review; Function and Object analysis (how much spent on salaries, benefits, etc.); Audit report results; and State Funding Formula variables. Mr. Wangsgard defined how fund monies are dispersed, either available to spend or to be reimbursed. ESSER II and ESSER III funds were discussed briefly. Federal Audit Report – Chairman Landers invited Rex Miller to present the Federal Audit Report. Mr. Miller explained that the Federal Audit was completed in January 2020, however, due to COVID, the final letter of closure was received this year. The audit included a few minor items that need corrected. He noted Title II funds were shared with local private schools. B. Proposed Policy for Initial Consideration 3270 and 5330 Network and Device Responsible Use Agreement Chairman Landers invited Gordon Howard to present policy for Initial Consideration. This policy has been updated to current practice. Adopted in 2004 without any revisions, update of terminology, X. Action Items A. Resolution of Support: Rocky Mountain MS Mascot Chairman Landers invited Rocky Mountain MS Principal Kent Sawyer and Patti Horman to present changes to RMMS mascot and asked for a resolution of support. Mr. Sawyer explained that Rocky Mountain MS considered to coordinate their colors and mascot with Bonneville HS. Aligning the colors and mascots allows swag appearal to be worn longer and to build school spirit. Teacher Patti Horman gathered a committee including students, staff and parents to vet the process of making the change. Surveys were sent to 7th grade students and parents and the final vote was to change the mascot from Panthers to Stingers. The community is in favor of the change. The school is on schedule for new paint this year including the resurfacing of gymnasium floor, therefore cost will be minimal for updating the building. MOTION: Paul Jenkins moved accept resolution of support of a change in Rocky Mountain MS Mascot to. Greg Calder seconded. Motion carried. B. E-Rate Category 2 - Access Point Purchase Chairman Landers invited Guy Wangsgard to present informamtion for Access Points. Mr. Wangsgard explained the bid process in choosing PineCove Consulting, with its lowest bid that met the specifications. These access points are for three schools in our district. MOTION: Greg Calder moved to approve PineCove Consulting bid for access points as presented. Scott Lynch seconded. Motion carried. C. Proposed Policy for 30-Day Review (first reading) 3085 Sexual Harassment (Title IX) make sure titile is correct Chairman Landers invited Ken Marlowe to present policy for 30-day review. This policy has been revised per Office of Civil Rights and to current practice. Policy and procedure combined. Prevention and education is focus MOTION: Greg Calder moved to post the policy 3085 as presented for 30-day review. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. D. Proposed Policy for Final Adoption (second reading) 3600 Student Records 3600E Student Records-Notification of Parents and Student Rights 3600F Student Directory Information Opt-Out Form Chairman Landers invited Dr. Woolstenhulme to pesent policy for Final Adoption. This policy has been revised pursuant to federal and state law updates. MOTION: Greg Calder moved to approve the policies presented for final adoption. Paul Jenkins seconded. Motion carried. XI.Call for Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings Budget and audit report at board retreat; compare with nearby districts Work Session - LHS Student Council Report - Wednesday, May 19, 2021 - PLC Building - 11:30 a.m. Bonneville HS Graduation - Thursday, May 27, 2021 - Motor VU Drive-In - 9:00 p.m. Hillcrest HS Graduation - Friday, May 28, 2021 - Melaleuca Field - 7:00 p.m. 5 Thunder Ridge HS Graduation - Tuesday, June 1, 2021 - Melaleuca Field - 7:00 p.m. Technical Careers HS & Bonneville Online HS Graduation - Wednesday, June 2, 2021 - TRHS - 5:00 p.m. Lincoln HS Graduation - Wednesday, June 2, 2021 - Thunder Ridge HS - 8:00 p.m. Black Canyon Board Tour - Wednesday, June 16, 2021 - BCMS - 5:00 p.m. Budget/Fee Hearing & Regular Meeting - Wednesday, June 16, 2021 - District Board Room - 7:00 p.m. XII. Action Item: Adjournment Chairman Landers adjourned the meeting at 8:54 p.m. MOTION: Greg Calder moved to adjourn. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. APPROVED: ______________________________________ Chairman ATTESTED: _______________________________________ Clerk DATE: ___________________________________