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34g7 North Ammon Road, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 834O1 P08 5254400 Fax (208) 629'0104 www.d93szhno|s.oqg
Special MeetingfWork Session
Tiebreaker Elementary
February 27, 2013
11:30 AM
Call uOrder
Chairman Lords called the meeting to order at 11:30 a.in
Roll Call
Those Board members in attendance were Chairman Craig Lords, Wo*oairmao&nnetteWinvhestexTmaoumd<ipNohmn.ondTmsteoDeVemHuoi08mminatten u000
were Superintendent Chuck Shack tt,Depty3operintendentNarjeanMcConnell, Chief Financial/Operations Officer April Burton, Human Resources Director Shalene
French, Director of Operations Todd Hicks, Director of Plant Facility/Purchasing Roger Hill, Health and Safety Coordinator Guy Bliesner, Energy Education Specialist Don
Traunivein, Director of Federal Programs Susan Searle, Tech nology]School Improvement Director Scott Woolstenhulme, Principal Jason Lords, Principal John Pynim,
Principal Kent Patterson, Principal Doug McLaren, and Board Clerk Valerie Messick.
Welcominci DeleQates and Visitors
Amy Landers, LoAnn Behan, and Renee Cook
IV. Drive-In - Roger Hill
Mr. Hill reported that the District received three bids on February 20, 2013 for the installation and related work for drive-in freezer for the food services department located
at the new support services building. The low bidder was Barry Hayes Construction of Idaho Falls with a bid of $82,908. The next low bid was Vern Clark Construction at
$86,461. Mr. Hill recommended that the Board approve the low bid from Barry Hayes Construction for the project, Food Services will pay for the cost of the Freezer
components in the amount of $52,000 from their fund balance and the remainder will be paid from funds set aside from the 2012 Bond,
Chairman Lords asked for a motion regarding the Drive-in Freezer bid award.
MOTION: Annette Winchester made the motion to award the bid for the Drive-in Freezer project to Barry Hayes Construction of Idaho Falls. Kip Nelson seconded. The vote
was 4io favor with V opposed and 0abstentions, Motion passed.
V. Technical Careers Hiuh School Metal BuiNinn Bid Award Roger Hill
Mr. Hill reported that the District received ten bids on February 21, 2013 for the construction of the o8ioes/clannmom building for the Technical Careers High School (TCHS).
Shook Construction Co. n[ Idaho Falls was the low bidder with a bid o[$575.888. The next low bid was Barry Hayes Cono(moiionwithabido($5D2J97,Fondonmmnoi
aside from the 2012 Bond for this project. There should be a balance of approximately $300,000 from those funds that will ho used to remodel existing buildings for the
TCHS. The plan is to remodel the existing carpenter shop to house a commons area and computer lab, Our District people will be used for the remodel projects beginning
\Nsovmmer. Mr. Hill showed the Board a copy of the architectural plans for the intedor of new 6000 square foot donated metal building. The steel building will be constructed
north of the Current auto mechanics shop. The completion date for the project io September 21^t, The plan ish move into the new building after ao soon oni|ivfinished. Mr.
Hill recommended that the Board award the bid W Shook Construction Co. of Idaho Falls.
Chairman Lords asked for omotion regarding the bid award for the Technical Careers High School0ffices/Classmorns Building,
MOTION: DeVere Hunt made the motion m award the bid for the Technical Careers High School Offices/Ckassmorno Building project to Shook Construction Co. of Idaho
Falls. Annette Winchester seconded. The vote was 4 in favor with 0 opposed and 0 abstentions, Motion passed,
N, AoDrove8chool Imorovement Plans for the District, Sandcreek Middle School, and Telford Academv - Scott Woolstenhulmo
Mr. Wnobtenhu|me presented the simple plans to the Board for school and District improvement, We have rolled out Professional Learning Communities (PLC) a( the District
and school levels. The Mileposts program allows uutolook at data on student achievement all in one place. The focus is on the data, The District School Liaisons participate
with the school teams at their weekly early release meetings. It is wonderful to see what is happening at the schools and the response has been good, The improvement
plans establishe SMART Goals under the Board's goals so that everyone is on the same page and going io the same direction. Telford Academy is new m the school
improvement process, The prior model looked at historical data, The new model does not look at growth but only at proficiency. Telford was in the top qUadile for growth for
pay-for-performance yet they are required to submit turn-arOUnd plans, The need for a tUm-arOUnd plan is a function of the students who go to Telford. They have only 20 —
3O Students enrolled and they are the ones that struggle the most in the District. That equates m about 1% Of Our middle school students, Wo looked a( the possibility n(
loaning a school within a school but then we would lose alternative school funding. TUrn-around schools are the lowest 20% in the state and % ofthern are alternative
schools. Mr. Wo |nteohu|memportedNot the process was good for Telford and it brought some things to light, The school will now start using walk-thrOUgh evaluations. The
faculty will begin meeting twice each rnonth to look at student achievement toward common core standards, Sandcreek Middle School was rated as a three star school last
year, If they remain at three stars this year they will be required to Submit an improvement plan again next year, Rocky Mountain Middle School obtained new school status
last year, They were rated as three stars last year. If they remain at that level next year, they will be required to Submit an improvement plan as well. The Sandcreek plan is
aligned with the PLC team structure and is a good tight plan for next year. The District's leadership team has reviewed the plans and Mr. WoolstenhUlme asked the Board for
o motion h approve all three plans
Chairman Lords asked i| there would bo any questions for Mr, Woolstenhulme, Hearing none, fie then asked for a motion regarding the School Improvement Plan for the
District and Tnm-amund Plans for Telford and 8andrreok.
I .v.m, kipN�*o
MOTION: the mntiooto approve the School Improvement edTumommx Plans oo presented. DrVom Hunt seconded. The vote was 4if) favmwithO
opposed arid 0 abstentions, Motion passed,
Ni Items for Discussion
A. Warehouse Remodel Uodate Todd Hicks
Mr. Hicks showed a video of the interior and explained the different areas of the Support services building, The building is equipped with motion sensor lighting in nlost
areas, Rocky Mountain Power paid for the motion sensors arid ooa result, xmdWon|hmmwrewire,T|m1wmoaswiogutoUeDisWuofahum*1U.00.EleoNna|oosb
were only $1600 since all the existing wiring was in good shape, The Bonneville County Sheriff s Inmates have been very helpful in working toward completion of tile
project, Wp had to create all the interior walls arid only bad mSubcontract two of the venues, The maintenance department assernbled all tile ductwork arid kept the cost
as low enpossible, We have been able to use S5.N0in deflated tile as well, Tile inside doors still need to be hung. We have moved What We Could move. Food Services
will be the last to move, The Air Conditioning will not be completed until spring, Only the office spaces will be air conditioned,
B.Elemmdarv School Construction Undate Hill
Mr. Hill reported that 95% of the framing b finished and sheet rocking arid taping the inside is continuing, The roofing has arrived, tire air handlers have been installed, and
the brick on tire front and south is complete, There were 13 days that they Couldn't work because of cold weather. However, they are still projecting that the building will be
finished on time. If not, the completion date could be moved back to June 291h. Mr. Hill reported that we don't want money for default; we just want the building finished oil
time. When asked about the name for the school, he reported that we have been calling it Crow Creek because of the neighborhood where it is located. The name will be
determined by the Board after the new principal arid patrons of the new school make Suggestions.
There was a question regarding plans for Bonneville High School's basernent. The response was that there have been discussions but oo decisions, Maybe aweight
room, science wing, band room, of- classrooms. Access arid noise Could hoissues.
Chainnon Lords expressed appreciation to Superintendent Shackett and the staff, He noted that people are engaged and like what they do. They have a passion for their
work and the Board is grateful for their enthusiasm,
�8econdam School Plans 'Annette Winchester
Mrs. Winchester dkzusse the need towork toward alternative plans for housing tire upcoming secondary students, Because of sequestering, wm Could lose federal
funding of $90.000 for special education and $7O,00 for Title, There is still concern about the amnmn and the fact that we will need h raise the tax levy rate when we
build m accommodate Our secondary level students. Mm, Winchester suggested that we consider combining the Hillcrest and Sandcreek campuses to accommodate high
uohon)dodontspnd1honboiNaoewmidd|oo:hon|on(hvxouNnnV,ThamergerWou|don|vethokm1ha||finNpmh|omaawo|iWr. McLamn suggested |h |moyhewo
Could look a\ academies endachnolowithinUmuchool, Au the same time, w* would also build off m Bonneville High School. Mr. Pymmstated thatjUst mddi"8vbamomo
would not accommodate the number o| students that are coming, This concept will need further discussion, When asked i[we have property south NHiUnest. Mr. Hill
responded that there are 30 acres available west of Stone Haven, Ammon road is the main arterial road for that property, When asked what i| Would cost to build anew
middle school and what is our ability to bond, Mrs. Burton responded that she will research tile costs arid that we cannot bond without raising the tax levy rate. The
possibility of a year-round school configuration was suggested, The question was asked how that configuration Would work with the high schools, Decisions Would need to
he made with regard N flow \ d tsomiovn|vodinoximourricu|oroctivi/ieo,Theoohedu!owmvWaxmmmodete2/3of\hevk/donma|onutimnontheywmuWDeab|ato
mix ms1/3 of the students move in and Out through tile school year. |fwu were togoto split sessions, the first session Would be from S:O0am.W12:00 noon and the
second session would begin at 12:30vm. arid 8oto6:30pm. We Could move split sessions to the middle school and move ninth graders back to middle school, Trailers
were also suggested aooptions. Mm, Winchester emphasized that we need a plan. If we are not going to raise taxes, we need to creatively use the space we have,
Chairman Lords asked the Superintendent to assign staff members to come up with Solutions and put together some options to put on the table. We need to discuss what
vm will build, what i( will cost. We need options on both sides. Mrs, Burton reported that there is a house bill Currently before the legislature that Would allow uS to extend
our bonds to 30 years and that could help with our bonding capacity. Kip Nelson will serve on the committee representing the Board.
NK [all for Aaenda Items for Uilcomina Meetinas
A, Chairman Lords stated that we need b schedule opublic meeting for next week regarding the Supplemental levy election, It was agreed that the meeting Would be held at
the District Office oil Wednesday, March 6wat7l0pp. Mrs. Messick will notice the meeting and tire administrative staff will Put together a presentation regarding tile
facts Surrounding the levy election.
a� Regular Meeting - March 1n,01S
C. Work Session ' Wednesday March zo.z013 -Bridgewater Elementary Media Center '11:3Oum. 2:30pm, grading weighted classes will bo placed nn the agenda
and high school principals will b: invited h talk to the Board at that time,
D, Work Session with Hi||mmo/ Student Council Wednesday April x.2oi3'Hi|mreat Media Center 11:30 am, 2:30pm, Val will send meeting invites m the high school
c Regular Meeting April 1&.013
p Work Session with Bonneville Student Council -Wednesday April 24,m)13' Bonneville Media Cvnte '11:3Nam. 230pmu
Mr. Hunt reported that hois continuing w tour special education daoseointhnDisthu.Hoisowio0gmdthiogs|mNwningmodmmmonUpdMm��mdokvd�o aUem{
johwiN�nvopmUmms ~
|X, AdiOumman|
Chairman Lords asked for m motion tn adjourn at1nopm.
MOTION: DoVem Hunt made the motion adjourn, Kip Nelson seconded, The vote was 4in favor with 0 opposed and O abstentions, Motion passed.