HomeMy WebLinkAboutHughes Proposal{ Jlt I I T T I I T T I I il 1 I fr G. (]ONSTRT]CTIONMANAGERINFORMATION l. Contact information for your firm's main office as followsl Irirm Name: Hughes General Contractors, Inc. Mailing Address North Salt Lake, UT 84054-0700 Physical Address (Ciry, State, Zip) 900 N. Redwood Rd. North Salt Lake, UT 84054-0700 (City, State, Zip) RrelrEsr FoR QuArFrcAnoNs -8- Telephone: E-mail Address (8Or) 292-t4tt r*. (801) 295-0530 dan@hughesgc.com 2. Name, title, address, telephone, and fax number ofthe firm's officer responsible to the District for all work to be provided under this RFQ: Name/'litle Dan Pratt/Vice President, Build Division PO. Box 540700 / 900 N. Redwood Rd. North Salt Lake uT 84054-0700 l'hvsical Address (City, State, Zip)qnn N Redrirnnl A.l North salt I-ake, uT 840s4-o7oo (City, Stare, zip) 801 292-1411 aj(. (801) 295-0530 dan@hughesgc.com 3 Please check the appropriate box to identify the legal status ofthe entitymaking this proposal. ECorporation EPartne$hip trLimitedLiability trOther(explain) Please Fovide the following license information: License# PWC-C-IlI48 - UNLIMITED - 1 - 2 - 3Idaho Public Works Construction Management License #:- held byH".R!gg!93j9!.L]ry. (name of licensed CM who witl be responsible). Idaho Public works Contractor License #: RCE-34535 4. Contact infomation ofthe office where your project team will be located and from which the work for this assignment will be conducted, ifdiffercnt than "l." above, Firm Name Hu es General Contractors, Inc P.O. Box 540700 / 900 N. Redwood Rd. RrQrrEsT FoR Qua]-FrcaTroNs -9- PO. Box 540700 / 900 N. Redwood Rd. Telephone: E-mail Address: Mailing Address: Mailing Address: North Salt Lake, UT 84054-0700 Addrcss (City, State, Zip) 900 N. Redwood Rd. (City, State, Zip) 292-14t1 (801) 29s-0530 Address: dan@h esgc.com Provide a letter from Surity for the project. Namc Stirlins Broadhead I 100 E. 6600 S., Suite 400 Address:shroadh ad@dalebarto n.com FoR QuALrr-rcATroNs -10- 7 If you answer lElto any of the following questions, provide complete explanation on a separate sheet. Has anyone ofyour current or former sureties or bonding companies ever been required to perform under or canceled a bid bond, labor or matarial payment or a performance bond issued on your firm's behall? tr Yes ts No Has your fum ever been denied coverage or had covelage terminated or cancelled by any insurer dudng the past five (5) years? (Ifso, please state the company, date, reason and specific details.) tr Yes Xl No Within the past five (5) years has your current firm or any predecessor organization been involved as a party or filed a claim in arry bankruptcy, litigation, mediation or a6itration proceedings? E Yes El No b. ll Name, title and signature ofyour firm's officer who was responsible for the preparation and hcreby verifies the accuacy of your proposal. Printed Narne Title: Signature: Date: I)an Pr Vice Buil Division U7912016 REeuEsT FoR QuALlr.rcATroNs -11- North Salt Lake, UT 84054-0700 rRol ) 5. E. State rhe contact information for your current insura.nce compan{s) that provides I coverage for your firm in the areas ofliabiliry. builder's risk and workers'! compensation. f.r-, *u-., Dale Barton Agency Salt Lake City, UT 84121 (City, State, zip) (801) 288-1600' rax: (801) 288-lqaa __-__ Dale Barton Agency rNs URA NCr eNo Sunery BoNns 1 100 E 6600 SoutlL Suite 4OO Salt Lale Ciry, UT 84121 tel. (801) 288,16m fax. (801) 288-1944 www.dalebarron.com January 1& 2016 John Pymm, Dircctor of Safety, Operations, and Facilities Bonneville.Joint Schoot District No. 93 3497 Noth Ammon Road Idaho Fallr ID 83401 Subject:Hughes General Confuactort Inc. Contractor Prequalification for CM/GC Services New Comprehensive High School project, Idaho Falls Estimate: $63,200,000 Dear Mr. Pymm: Hughes General Contractorc has successfully compiled an enviable construction performancerecord for clients in the public and private sectors. Hughes is well financed, ad€quatelyequipped and has significant experience in the constructio;industry. The financial viability ;fHughes General Contractors is conJirmed as stated belora/. Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of Ame ca has been the surety for many years.HuShes' impressive bondinS capacity of over $110,000,000 single_projeci and $2O0,OOO,0OOa.ggr.egate has been attained through inteSrity, performance and a financially stable position.W_e have bonded Hughes on many large, multimillion dollar, high profile projects. As evidenceof Hughes' history and reputatio& a surety has never had to "J^ptutn urry of tf," contractor.swork or pay a claim. We have never been contacted by a dissatisfied^ owner. Credit references Itom banks, insurance companies and subcontractors alIirm Hughes,character and integrity. Accordingl, we anticipaie providing 100% performance and paymentbonds for the project upon receipt of an acceptable contract, and H;ghes continuing to satisfystandard surety underwriting requfuements. Hughes will secure the nelssary Ievel of insuranceas required in the General Conditions. We have frequently visited HuShes, projects. Salety and manaSement are given high pdority.Quality work and professional project management h"ave been exceptional. Ourrecommendation of this contractor is without reservation. Stirling Broadhead Attorney in-Fact sB/p" BUILDING POSITIVE SOLUTIONS SINCE 1948 FIRM INFORMATION: Corporate Office/ Principal place ofBusiness HUGHES GENERAI CoNTRACToRS, INC. Previously Doing Business As: Herm Hughes & Sons PO BOX 540700 900 North Redwood Road North Salt Lake, UT 84054-0700 Southem Utah Office 62 West Industrial Rd. Washington, UT 84780 PRINCIPAL CONTACT: Dan Pratt, Vice President Building Division p:801.292.1411 f: 801.295.0530 dan@hughesgc.com AGE OF FIRM: 59 Years as Hughes General Contractors, Inc. Herm Hughes & Sons, Inc. BONDING LIMITS & RATE Limit - $200,000,000.00 Administrative Staff Project Managers/Estimators LEED@APs Superintendents Field Construction Staff (5 yr. avg.) Total Employees (5 yr. avg.) 17 21 14 26 150 190 Hughes General Contractors, Inc. is a multi-faceted construction company that specializes in construction management and general contracting (CM/GCj projects. Founded on a commitment to provide quality construction, Hughes is consistently ranked as one ofthe top construction firms in the area. client satisfaction is achieved through the timely completion of projects utilizing a progressive and responsible management team dedicated to integrity and quality. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTS In the last five years, Hughes General Contractors, Inc. has provided CM/GC services on over 100 projects totaling more than $400,000,000. Approximately 80o% of our current construction volume is tl-*ough the ctrzuGC method. All of these projects have been finished on time and within the contract estimate or GMp. we. have never been assessed penalties or liquidated damages utilizing the GM/GCdelivery method. EDUCATIONAL CONTRACTOR Hughes has made a commitment to enhancing the educational facility construction experience for school district personnel and administration for the last 15 years. Hughes has constructed over 200 significant educational projects with 30 school districts and six higher education campuses. In addition, we have completed over 300 small renovation/addition projects for school districts, cities, and counties in the last five years. COMMITTED TEAM MEMBERS Tumover of management personnel has averaged less than r0%o over the past tenyears. Project managers and superintendents have typically worked together onmultiple occasions which provides consistency to every project. The typical profile ofour project managers is an average of 15 years experience and a four_year degree in construction management, civil engineering or architecture. our superintend-ents have an average tenure in excess of 16 years. GOMPANY PROFILE f#ncwtwo-story [ign sctoolI GENERAL CONTRACTORSDIS')( Hughes General Contractors e ducati onal conslr uct on. ABILITY TO PERFORMis comprehensively experienced in laborer outin the fielcl. We encourage you to read fl aailahitittt of adcq uflfc p eraoruwl. more aboul this technology and its many benelits in the Construction Services section. Our team of seasoned construction veterans could not he more eaget to aid,, fhe success of the New Two-Story High School. Their conbined experience encompasses lhe corstruction ol ovet a dozen high scrools, including site prcparation, fields, etc. This team includes: Dan Pratt as Principal-in-Charge Tony Nichols as Estimator Kendall Snith as Prcject Executive Patrick Alcorn as Project Manager Jed Haacke as MEP Coordinator Doug Srapiro as Supe ntendent Bill Blackwell as Supe ntendent Allen Clemons as Pre-construction Direclor Monty Mottenson as Safety Dircctor Gary Pritchard as Quality Control Manager Each team member is eager to dedicate their considerable experience and talent to lhe conshuction of the New Two-Slory High School. By managing lheir assigned responsib,r0es and collaborating on the project as a whole, ow team will complete the project on time and within budget. Kindly rcference the proiect team resumes for furlher information. WORKLOADT All percohnel listed are ready and available to see that the New Two.Story High School is conpleted in a tinely, efficient" and pleasing manner, EQUIPMENTT Hughes owns many key pieces of construction equipment. These include cranes, concrele punp trucks, GPS-enabled equipment, tase/ screeds, curb and guttet machines, and more. Owning these pieces of equipnent heightens Hughes' flexibilig and control which leads to higher quality projects. Owning our own equipment makes us better able to compty with project schedules because we arc not beholden to a renkl company. Hughes uses Bluebean software to expedite the tlow of communication fton the design teamthrough conslruction management personnel to the FAGILITIES: Hughes' corporale otfice is located in North Salt Lake, Ulah. We will set up a project trailer on site thalwill have everything the on-site the tean needs to peiorm construclion actiyifies. ResI assured that Hughes can complete the entire scope of work in a swift and efficient manner. Our combination of skill, experience, and tools yields project success. You don't have to take our word forit-please see the attached letters of recommendation from satisfied clients and partners in our Past Pertormance section. With Hughes you get MORE EXPERTISE COMMITMENT TO HIGII QUALITY WORKMANSHIP Gaty Pritchatd, Hughes' full-tlme quality contol manage\ helps our superintendents meet or exceed qualw standads and rcduce punch list items. For example, when oversized electrical box cut outs in nasonry walls were identffied$ a quality ptoblen, Gary developed a tool to make sure a cover plaae coye6 the hole white the mason is neafty wo*ing on the wall. Without this toot, it is more likely that the prcblem is not discovered until the installation of tinish electlcal, This would be very late ln tha project and dlfflcultto fix because the mason is likely off the prcject by that time. Because the Noblem would not have been discovered ea y, the same laborer lhat had been saw cutfing the masonry would never have been inshucted to tighten up his saw cutting, and the problem could bo pervasive throughout the prciocL Gary makes sure this type of ptoblen does not occut He will vislt the New Two.Stoty High School every week to stay on top of quality and reduce punch ,ist items, LIl II fuIl-'IimcAudity Conlrollltanagu COMPANY PROFILE Bncw lwo-stoty hign scnool GENERAL CONTRACTORS I I I 80oZ ofour cunent construction proj ects are with the CIVI/GC delivery system. We understand the role of the CM/GC and how we can add value to the New Two-Story High School project. We have been told that, "No one does CN4/ GC better than Hughes." Hughes invented a new concrete mixture and placement technique that creates large slabs ofjoinffree, crack- reduced concrete without the aid of saw cuts. We are the only CIWGC capable of this patent pending process and would love for our experlise in concrete work to benefit your project. Hughes employs 17 LEED Ap and Green Associates. We have the education and experience to meet any sustainability goals that might be desired for the New Two-Story High School. We recently completed the first net-zero public educational facility in Utah, Odyssey Eiementary. n8$, tr{0-story Iioh scftool L- V t\ ,tl tighlqPerruil rLI 6Qt)Utzut .l cowdt flugltu t COMPANY PROFILE .o\ ies/i'9-L HUGHESIGENERAL CONTRACTORS TERMINATION OR DEBARMENT Iantary 19,2016 Signature Dan Pratt Typed or Printed Name LITIGAT!ON ARBITRATION ETC. STATEMENT Neither Hughes General contractors, Inc. nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarilyexcluded from soliciting work by any govemment department or agency. Hughes General Contractors also certifles that neither it nor its principals havebeen terminated during the performance ofa contract or withdrew from a conhact to avoid termination. Vice President 900 North Redwood Rd Street Address North Salt Lake, UT 84054 Telephone Number City, State, ZIP Hughes General Contractors, Inc. has NOT been involved in any liti within the past i 0 years. gation, arbitration, or other alternative dispute resolution proceedings with an owner CONTRAGTOR'S LICENSE Bureau of Occupational Licenses Dspartment of Self Governing Agencies Tho psr6on named has met lhe ,equirements for reglstraflon and isentltled under the laws and rules ofthe State of ldah;to operat€ as a(n) REGIST NTRACTOR HUGHES TORS INC NO -7)i 1-".r --.1Tana Cory Chlof, B.O.L. RCE-34535 Number 12127t2016 Expires Srare ot td.ho Dtviston ot Blitding Safety PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTORS LICENSING BUREAU CONTRACTOR _od, ^ .-;6- ,inrh;dryhi L 1 HERM rlUGHEs s; so!'s, tNc. r!'k r4.E dprG: r 03r?0 c -rtw>- "o\-ld*'i't'l'llnewtwo-slory [ash sc[001 HUGHES GENERAL CONTRACTORS Trt6;f offEe-- 801.292.1411 GOMPANY PROFILE L H Odyssey Elenentary was progtammed as a net-zero-ready facility, fhe changeto oet zerc was not anticipated untit a tater phase (possibiy yeari tate| wiii it became leasible to add the photovoltaic equipnenl. Fron the beginning of design, we searched tor ways to makethis futurc convercion easier end more economical, For example, there was not enough space on the rooftop toaccomnodate the full solat afiay. This requhed that there b.e a fu.tute supplemental photovollaic lain ln a soparatefenced location somewherc on the site. Wo made therecommendation that we use pholovottaic parots as :r h{T ovet att of the r/,ope y orientei windows, instead of conventiona, sunslrados. Iie cost ol ctoing thiswas compaIeble to the cost of conventional sunsh;des, so ,he ,et resul, wes l,i at we aheady had the fi$t 12% otthe solat shades on the building al no cost ptemium to the budget. Our theory was thal this would rcduce the futurc cost of adding solat by up to 10%. We did nol stop therc. We studied the latest developmentsin photovoltaic sysfemq rebates, and incentives. We interyiewed a number of conpanies to determine thet9::ibi!tty of ananging a powet purchase Agreement (PPA) for the project and wo*ed with district jersonnel to develop hudgetary cost proposals to detemine the leasibility of these agrcements. Wen it hecame eyidenfthat the PPA'S werc not viable on one sma ptoject, we aide.d the design team in pufting together pritiminary des,gn estl?,afes and latked with locat soiar firns iodetemine the cost of distticl purchased syslems. I HUGHES' UNIQUE GM/GG PERSPECTTVE ADDS VALUE We don't make ourcelves out to he archftects or engineers, nor would we ever want any design fim to leel like we arc trying to do thetu job lor them. But wewill pronise you that we wilt participate during the desi[n pro"u, ,nA iihisuggesliors dulrg design lot the Now Two-Story High Schooi that wi add value. Following arc some exanples of what Hughes, inpit during proiect Aesign iisable to accompllsh: Civil Construction =t lt,is no.s-ecrct that there are nany trades Hughes has the ability lo self-perform. J lh.e ablhty to:ell.pelom va ous trades of a project gives us unique insights grcat.assistance du ng the design phase and give nany archilects and ctients a additional infomation and choices that add valu; b theh'ptojects. ln For example, on the Canyon Scrloo, Dlsrrrcr3 Bu er Middte Schoot, ourexpe ence in civil construction enahled us to inalyze the proposed gndes and n nake.:.suS::st!on .fgt .the finat buitding etevation based on inpoft-and exportJ quantities. fhis final building elevation rcNesented the happy neiiun which tookalpe::ance, tie-in to sunounding Nopedies, and cost into account white yielding significant savings for the disttict. PRE.GONSTRUGTION PHASE SE RVIGES r I r I T +. a BONNEVILLE JOINT SCHO ncw M,-sr,ry n.n scr,,r $1 "tl*r^,.g"^t!F"Q rI it! E:\ n Net Zero and Solar Abilities Wile one may say that it is entiely up to lhe design team to nake a buildino netzerc, we leel ow padicipation in the design phases olboth Odysse v Eleneita*and.Davis Elementary *62 helped significantly in tne accoiptisinentt it-inledesign tean's vision. BUTLER wrIooie S-Ci6iir- ODYSSEY ELEMENTARY Hughes will give you a f_ a4 G iJ I-Ja l-4 Brs! 3 8e F' --o o €E; $ErqxcBSo E;9 sg3 --SDad O9-llt€ 9oa-H mi*3t =Oadi >9, c3es'€'z,a9J o-Q8=(o (o dgs E,E x ,!a-io9*6E S 5B FossD C' lD *.E .3r=; Lo E= [.Hf3d 3s qr€ 5e.dq =<;(D!-. E =*=t.oP = 1:'= 0,tSQ ==-EEi+$dSoqr9 Ii$Ss;b-!a-6': ii" d o =.o::.a-EESSS ETE iTFsil aFiE.lts**s'Etg*=q3.ii Ii;* E *i E s6r*a" ! rz, l€ xQ.6 =.: 3g IiA*:;n..e"- =o); S ai s=? E rIi:s iio B" ;'s $ +-B$iB BasBo6.dFEa.:Ul B'il 96-di, -=s= =d d3. a. s.Er Ed' aa 5I$l:€i.:r =6sgli sis=-E E. Foi 9E !(r\ ;=8dE g(,981 1oE+\ cl -ag<<o!L3; E E.g qf, r,l) g l.E 334 SeS t I 6 =.I ')L9co(o Eil !7mIoozo{vcoIoz !I Do mom1 omo {0 rL gglIggligiiigiii 9Eia--d*g:8il{s "i!E=€ iE$ iE$P(o at6= oH-e=dGQ $E itsc--3€ 3 3+- r r, lLSEHS-s-o - S q-o o ]g"qE;E $Eeg; tdqg=; d =. rb i5 Y',r< oG q.$ a*' g:.o9aE9ar =q-o= SAEo 3ts oB EF i{ si s'€ dEE-n3 F-a-c5e6q-6 oa. a-o E : o. a o o SFo-$tBEsBE :.rQ39err-q* s $' ;*Ef,f,.g BE +<n .l.crrfl N9zm a*r s; + e6-.-mfr (a fifi s *g s \\\\ * e.33 P I:t E BE g ;ssg*+ P E$ g= 3: E s & S i**Ss.d s3 .;i sE ElB:;a[=93\ isisg E { ,,'a -=- **ssi 3 * E H€s:(DSrLe 33 E=FE$ E = :- =]SO, dSS. o, a 9* d A3.=+; sI9= a at r 36*:ssa; 3 A d3 3 i{R = o d'{ = I e' o, *.B i s s'ssoED.SAo !l 6' Hs; dEsa- gi Ec)dE oP*E LS' CD =-C' u,c t9 a,C' CIc, F,S, NIFz- EC EO=r- imxo I' ( C,o c)o o oo $ I I WHEN TO BID There was a tine when the best month of yeat to bid a scr,ool was January. We gave this advice successfully to nany clients. Al tines we saw a swing of 10-15 % in cosl between johs that hid early in the yeat comparcd lo projecb bid in the tine petiod fton June thrcugh August. PreW soon, we noliced nany distticts tried to get their projects out to bid in January, laqely elininating the advantage ol hidding ea y in the year. What we leaned lrcn this is that a bettet approach is to develop a liercely loyal lollowing of a larye grcup of subcontactots, who know they will be treated tai y and who will conpetitively hid work specitically lot us any tine ol lhe year.ln facl" hecause of our rclationships with subcontactots as well as our bidding review process, we often save ow clients !.'i. Making subcontractots aware of the prcject coning out to bid seveal months in edvance, and naking surc they have enough time to prcpate thetu bids, is tat morc inpodant than the time of yeat the bid is scheduled. For example, Butlet Middle School and Midvale Middle School cane in on our projected costs and prcvided bettet value than any of the Noiects that bid in lhe ea iet"p ne spots" of the year. Good rules ol thumb 1. Never hid on a holiday week 2. Nevet bid the week beforc ot aflet a majot holiday like Thanlsgiving, Chtistmas, New Yeat's, Eastet, etc. Many take taveling vacations around these times and arc out of town. Since lhere is nevet a good tine to take a vacation (frcm a business I I IL perspective), whal gets cut arc the bids happening in this time fiame. 3. Nevet bid on a Monday ot Ffiday. On Monday subs are gefting theb week lined out and are distracted by immediate busiress reguirements. Fridays run the sk of people distacted conpleting the week's fasks orpossibly taking a short day. 4. Nevet bid ea ier than 2:00 p.m. Ttaditionally, bids arc at 2:00 p.m. Ea iet bids, such as noon, ot 10:00 a.n. do not get as much attenlion; subs often still tum in thetu bids at 2:00 p.m. (late), which is of no help lo the prcject. Ea ier bids also distupt the expected llow of inlormation hetween suppliers and subconlractots, causing late ot no bids. 5. Never so,e source a bid iten without equal bid altemates. lt is the naturc of supplie6 to maxinize thetu profit and if they are the only source, they often nake surc you pay full Nice. When lherc is conpetition, the Nice is usually lowel 6. Nevet hold a nandatory pre-bid meefing for subcontactors. Ihis is a sub,le method of limiting competi$on, which courd De abused by s ome to make sure favorcd subs ,mow about the neeting and are couded, while less favored subs arc ignorcd and only come if they are diligently seeking and looking oul lot published meeting lines. ln snallet organizations, a subcontactor may fail to schedule the meeting, have uryent bus,ness ,,eeds or emeryencies, and lail to show up. This rcsults in less compelition and a higher bid price for the projecl. I CONST$IUCT| d)[,] F!"i.*, $tl $Ht1\i!{:*ifr Safe t.1, P191pao1a Monty Moftenson, Hughes Generul Contractors, lnc.'s safety coordinator, is responsibre for safety training, regular job site inspections, and safety edministration. He is extremely thorough. The project superintendent works under Monty's direction to enforce satety policy on the job site, Monty will personally visitthe New Two- Story High School site atleast once aweektocoordinate safe,y issues. He will provide tnining, equipment, information, and conduct unannounced site inspections. Superintendents peiorn safety monitoring, weekly safety tainings, and daily inspections. Wo*ers are to report safely concerns to he superintendent and are responsi0re for safely accomplishing their tasks with the coffect equipmenl. Management and Coodination of the Work Patrick Alcom, Doug Shapiro, and Bill Btackwell will lead with input fton othet team menberc: Owner and subcontactor coodinetion meetings Deficiency ,isB disariDuted fot imnediate cofiection Updated ditical path schedu,es RFl, ASl, and subnittal logs SWPPP compliance Prc.installetion conterences on all components of work Periodic commissioning meetings and inspections fest:ng and inspecl,brrs I 4,) I < J L'fi I tr I I I ) -- b. ) 2-1 1_I \i- Procurement and Suhntittal Prccess Hughes rcquires hat all submi al data be submifted within 45 days frcm the official notice to proceed (there are some exceptions tor specialized trades). There will be a weekly notification of submittal requirenenls and submittal status will be on he agenda ol weekly meetings. We will allow for early procurement and track long lead itefis, Patrick Alcorn, Doug Shapiro, and Bill Blackurell will lead in these tasks. GONSTRUGTION PHASE SERVICES B(I Dl{newu{o-story hign sc[001 *\)a:i)J},-ffi:HUGHES GENERAL CONTRACTORS Hughes' prcjecl tean is eaget lo wotk closely with Bonneville Joint School Disttict No. 93, Mcl{jnsey Management Services, Hummel Architec6, and AKM on the New Twcstory High Scfiool Feedback on Constructability of Design Details fhe Hughes tean Neferc to be heavily involved in the design phese-the earliet the befter. We will seve as a cost and consiuclability consultant and will be active patticipants in design neetings. As estimatot, Tony Nichols will ptovide you with estimales that arc limely and accuate. Cost esrimales are essenlial to prcpe y planning a building within a budget. schedule and Phasing Prcject schedules arc often dynanic; this is why it is inpoltant to distribute updated schedules lo lhe prcject teams on a regulat basis. We hold wee y neetings lvhere we pass out lhrce-week look ahead schedu,es. we hequenlly comparc planned activity dunlion with the rcsowces allocated to that activity (manpower, tool, lo mate surc deadlines are met. Coodination between al, sub.frades is [ey. Monitoring the Bid Climate and Availability of Selected Materials It is impottant that lhe Bonneville Joint School Disttict No, 93, managemenl rcprcsentative, and architectural tean select a company that understards the educational construction ma*et and whal it is doing. Hughes not only estinates current CM/GC wo* under contact, but conlinues to hald bid Nojects in odet to monitot and unde$land whal the market is doing al any given time. This gives Hughes an underctanding of which subcontaclors are actively seeking wotk, what building matetials are doing, where marketing eflods need lo be focused, elc. The fact that Hughas bids wofi all over the state ot Ulah se,6 it apaft tuom others who nay only had bid workwhen absoluq necessary. Fot morc infomation on nonito ng the bid clinate, please reference the "When lo Bid" sec?ion undet the ConslruclioD Servicos pottion of this proposal UP-TO.DATE INFORMATION AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Hughes Genetal Contactots takes advantage of Bluebeam so{lwate ,o easo t,e flow of commwication fiom the design team through construction management pe6onnel lo lhe laborcr out in the tield. Bluebeam enables all of the inlormation pettinenl to a job lo be galhercd in a single localion. Updated plans, submittals, RFrt ASrq PRs aod ,r orc arc available with the touch ol a buttot -communicationbanierc are elleclively elininated. Everything is steamlined, Therc is no laghetween a dtective by the designerand iE implenenlation by the tield hand. The eliminalion of this lag etases ptoblems caused by field wo*ers going off of outdated infornation (which in lhe worsf case can result in having lo redo wotk once updated plans are rcceived). The result? The New Two-Story High School will be construcled efficiently and accutately. What's norc, this infomation can be had in hand rathet than slorcd in the job site tailer. Ou construction perconnel are equipped with Suface Pros fuhished with Bluebean lhat they can use on site. Wheo rcughing in a piece of equipnent, the operatot can pull up the rcquirements where they install ruther than having to ttudge back and lofth trcm the tailet. Bluebeam's measuring feature enables employees to scale olf itens on site more easily and accutately than they could with a lape neasurct Dimensions can be quickly and efficiently ve fied while wo*ing in the field. This indispensable lool can be used to rcference submittals (even smaller submittals), vetw footings and foundations, conctete mix designs, doot lnme types and locations, ghdes, utiliy wotk, etc. lt stteamlines and inueases lhe quality of every aspecl of the constuction process. Bluebean facilitates qualiu contol hy naking it quick and simple to double check lhe wo*. ll helps maintain the prcject schedule by allowing lhe foreman or supeintendenl lo measure how much was accomplished on a given day. lt car be used as a means of planning-to detemine how much pipe reeds fo be staged fot the next day or how nuch fill needs to be htought in, ,oI example. This technology will ensure that the New Two-Story High School is built according lo plan and schedule, T T I GONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES CONT. r-t 01vLa rr t.itt tdllut' d As ptoject complelion nearc, we'll pedom a numbet of final tests and inspecfions as well as complete contact docunentation. Ifiese fests are to make ceftain lhat lhe ptoject has been completed as specified belorc wo*ing slops. Patick, Doug, and Bill will lead these {as16. At Hughes, we wanl to know when somefhiag is not lunclioning so we can take carc of if as soon as possible. Patrick Alcon will maittain communication wilh the Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 rcgarding the New Two-Story High School prcject and will peiorm a one-yeat wafianty walk-lhrough. I E gi I I Prifrcl l'iosroi,i We've developed a sel methodology to accommodale this tansition that includes closeoul paperwork (cedificates, O&M manuals, insunnce rcquirements, building security veilication, completeness of punch lists, eac.) as well as closeoul procedure (keying hard arc, walk thtough, owner training, inspections, date setting fot one yeat wa anty walk-through). GONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES I 1 )lNt c\I 'I nGw luro-slory hlgn school BI GENERAL CONTRACTORS PROJECT EXPERIENCE Logan High School Renovation & Reconstruction Odyssey Elementary reeo G.,i(i Pending Butler Middle School Tooele Applied Technology College rreo situe, Ogden & Ben Lomond High School Package Salem Junior High School Centennial Junior High School Blue Peak High School Stansbury High School Salem Hills High School Park City High School LEED silver WSU Swenson Building / Pool Lehi High School Addition & Remodel 3 Davis School District Schools Salt Palace Convention Center** 30 YEARS WITH HUGHES GENERAL CONTRACTORS Dan was employed with Hughes Geneal Conlnctots fot all of the abore prciects. PAed size adjusted to 2015 dolhts. DATE 2017 2014 2013 2013 2012 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2008 2006 2004 2002 1996 slzE $42 MIV $17.8 MNI $ 28 I\ilM $12.4 IVM $97.1 MNI $22.6 MM $24.8 IvlM $'14.8 MM $39.6 MM $33.4 MIM $28.2 MM $7.7 [/M $7.3 MM $17.4 MM $100.6 MM ROLE Principal-ln-Charge Principal-ln-Charge Principal-ln-Gharge PrincipaFln-Charge Principal-ln-Charge Principal-ln-Charge Principal-ln-Charge Principal-ln-Charge Principal-ln-Charge PrincipalJn-Charge Principal-ln-Charge Principal-ln-Charge PrincipaFln-Charge PrincipalJ n-Charge Project Executive I IE HUGHESnewm0-story [ion school l l 7 ') 1 I att€nded over 90Y. ol Ogden High School's d8ign meelings. I will commit lhe sarne dedicationto the l{ew Tur}Story High School design me€tings. lwillbe an active participant and make sure the ovrner gets the most for lheir money. S@fivrnAidwnl I !t E \ DAN PRATT,\ PRINCIPAL-IN.CHARGE EDUCATION: Graduate, BYU - B.S. Cum Laude, Construction Management, Graduate, BYU - 8.A., French EXPERIENCE: 35 years of experience: carpenter, superintendent, estimator, project manager, project executive, vice-President. PROJECT TEAM RESUMES ;r\ HJ GENERAL CONTRACTORS PROJECT EXPERIENCE Logan High School Renovation & Reconstruction Dugway High School Bountiful High School Remodel /Addition Tooele Applied Technology College leeo sirue,. Ogden & Ben Lomond High School Package Salem Junior High School Centennial Junior High School Blue Peak High School Stansbury High School Salem Hills High School Park City High School Reconstruction & Addition *, WSU Swenson Building Renovation Tooele High School Rebuild Davis School District Schools DATE 2017 2015 2013 2013 2012 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2008 2006 2003 2002 ROLE Estimator Estimator Estimator Estimator Estimator Estimator Estimator Estimator Estimator Estimator Estimator Estimator Estimator Estimator Tony was enployed wilh Hughes Genetal Conttactots lot all of lhe abore prcjecls + I will provide you with cost infonnation lhat is accurate and timely so you can properly plan your projecl and make informed decisions. There will be no nightmares on bid day. t l_Ia I I'j rl, Ir+ l l rl '1,'| i It I EDUCATION: Graduate, BYU - MBA, BYU - 8.S., Construction Management EXPERIENCE: 30 years of experience: estimating including budget and contract adminiskation TONY NICHOLS, PROJEGT TEAM RESUMES HUGHESnewtwo-story hlg[ sG[ool GENERAL CONTRACTORSg, t ESTIMATOR t l I SIZE $42 MNT $15.9 MM $7.9 IVM $12.4 MM $97.1 I\rM $22.6 MM $24.8 MM $14.8 Ml\il $39.6 MM $33.4 MM $28.2 MM $7.7 MIvl $18.5 lvl^/l $21.6 MIvl E d\ I I r-- ** - Skirnr'PttlCottvnilllrrtnl I- / V_ a I will p€rsonalty revievr drawings, sheet by sheet, before the project is sent out for subcontractorbidding. I will eliminate discrepancies and increase understanding. Crttutilltt,,/tl S,tlfiu^l DATE 2015 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2011 2009 2008 2008 2006 2005 2004 2004 2004 Project Project Project Project Project Project Project Project ROLE Executive Executive Executive Executive Executive Executive Executive Executive PM PM PM PM PM PI\/l PMI I I I E E 7 : 7 .'i_ PROJECT EXPERIENCE Hillcrest Jr. High School Replacement Odyssey Elementary LEED G., c pencring Bountiful High School Addition/Remodel Butler Middle School Brighton High School Addition & Remodel Cottonwood Heights Playfi elds Centennial Junior High School Rock Springs Elementary Park City High School LEED sirver Lyman Middle SchoolAddition & Remodel American Fork High School Addition Pleasant Grove Jr. High School Lehi High School Addition & Remodel Forbes Elementary School Ecker Hill Middle School & Addition 24 YEARS WITH HUGHES GENERAL CONTRACTORS Kendall was enployed wik Hwhes Genehl Conthclots for all ol lhe above projects. stzE $28 MM $17.8 MM $7.9 MM $28.1 IVM $4.5 MIM $2.5 MM $24.8 MIvl $16 MM $28.2 MM $15.3 MM $s.2 MM $4.7 MM $7.3 MM $6.3 MM $24 MM ,r.- KENDALL SMITH, PROJECT EXECUTIVE EDUCATION: Graduate, BYU - 8.S., Construction Management EXPERIENCE: 30 years of experience: carpenter, estimator, proiect manage( project executive PROJECT TEAM RESUMES new tur0-story nlgh scnool ry:GENERAL CONTRACTORS #?" ,,( !F J ( t lala PROJECT EXPERIENCE Hillcrest Jr. High School Replacement Bountiful High SchoolArt Wing Addition Grant & Liberty Elementary Seismic Upgrades & Remodel Bountiful High School Remodel &Addition Ogden & Ben Lomond High School Package Stansbury High School Settlement Canyon Elementary School 2 Elementary School Additions - Tooele School District Valley High School" Roosevelt Junior High School* Desert Hills High School. North Davis Junior High" Kenworth Trucking* 2014 $3.2 tVM DATE 2015 2014 SIZE $28 MM $1.8 MM $7.9 tvlM $97.1 MM $38 MM $9.3 MtV $3 MM ROLE Project IVlanager Project l\ilanager Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager Assistant PM Assistant P[\/ Assistant PM 2013 2012 2012 2012 2011 t I will keep the schedule aclive and moving foruard dally. lwill meet milestones by producing and adhering to look.ahead schedules and $,eekly action items. Ctllfif/unr.stl 2011 2010 2010 2009 2005 Design Engineer Design Engineer Design Engineer Design Engineer Design Engineer Patick was enployed wik BHB Enginee$ tor projecb wik an '- All olhet projects were wotked on while with Hughes I I EI I Z I rI 3 ,/ S@ttvtt' ( $16.5MM $15.6 MM $45 MM $17 MIV $17.6 MM EIIIaIIH.IEiIilII/IF e v G* PATRICK ALCORN, PROJECT MANAGER EDUCATION: Graduate, U ol U - M.S. Mining Engineering, Graduate, U of U - B.S. Civil Engineering EXPERIENCE: '17 years of experience: mining ongineering; structural designer - masonry, tilt-up, steel, wood, ICF; project manager I.- flI , { ( I lew$ro-story nEn scnool P;GENERAL CONTRACTORS tt It tr II I I I T I E F PROJECT EXPERIENCE Hillcrest Jr. High School Tooele Applied Technology College ree o sirver G ranato's Warehouse Add ition Sunset Elementary Addition & Remodel Ogden & Ben Lomond High School Package West Jordan Elementary #V Park City High School Addition & Remodel Sunset View Elementary School American Fork High School Addition Pleasant Grove Jr. High School Remodel Forbes Elementary School lndependence High School* DATE 2015 2013 2012 2012 2012 2011 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 1991 stzE $28 MM $12.4 MM $1.3 MIM $3.1 MM $97.1 MM $11.8 MM $28.2 tVtV $2.5 MM $5.2 MrU $4.7 MM $6.3 MM $5 MIM ROLE Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent t I r - ' lndicates projecls worked on while $/ilh KMP Alt others were worked on white willl Hughes Geneet Contracto9 lknowschools. I've built over25. I rYill be at the proiect site every day to make sure the building is ready for oumer occupancy by the stipulaled date. Slalil'lrnCrrtfiilIn'1rll I I I I! a t_rI 3 SUPERINTENDENT EXPERIENCE: 40 years of construction experience: carpentry, steel erection, site layout, equipment operator, foreman, superintendent DOUG SHAPIRO HUGHESncwtwo-story high school GENERAL CONTRACTORSr# l. \ t/ Itt .t gt rlt , a r-\ J L /\ -t II I PROJECT EXPERIENCE Dugway High School Monticello Elementaty Moab - Greenwell Hotel Beaver Elementary School Parowan High School Addition & Remodel Wheeler Machinery - Huricane Bloomington Hills Pre-Schools WCSD Miscellaneous Priorities Projects Utah Banicade Office Hurricane lntermediate School lron Springs Elementary School Three Peaks Elementary School Cedar Middle SchoolAddition and Remodel 12 YFAR$ WITH HUGHH$ GHNERAI"" CONTRACIORS Bi was enployed wik Hughes Genenl Contractots for all of the above proiects_ DATE 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2008 2008 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 stzE $15.9 rUM $10 MM $3.2 MM $13.6 MIvl $7.1 MrM $10.4 MM $1.4 MM $3.4 MM $,6 MM $13 MM $8 MM $9.3 MM $4.9 MM ROLE Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Assist. Super Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Assist. Super Assist. Super Assist. Super Assist. Super lirr' 1: t_ 1 ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT EDUCATION: Graduate, BYU - 8.S., Construction Management EXPERIENCE: '16 years experience: steel erection, foreman, superintendent *\ H HUGHESms, ttilo-story [ioh school I pEv.d lo be such ! iteady and rcliable pEsence h&ughor( he ParctEn High School Mditjon and Remodel proi.ci thal lhe stud.{ s pdilirned to have me included in th€ir ye.r hook Oley v€rE successtul as shor,fi in the phot! abovel lwill be just as ftomughty invoked in tlE conslruclion of the ller{ Tr.{sstory High School. lwill be on site moniloring the quality and pogress of $e t}{* with Doug. -I IvJ StrllttnzlnCofirnllltttrtl ) I I I ls -, :flrl GENERAL CONTRACTORS PROJECT EXPERIENCE Logan High School Renovation & Reconstruction Odyssey Elementary School LEED Gor. pendins Honnen Equipment Building Stephen Wade Chevrolet Dealership Tooele Applied Technology College rreo sirver Butler Middle School YWCA Center for Families Leeo r; r :r Ogden & Ben Lomond High School Package Centennial Junior High School Farmington City Hall St. Thomas More Parish Hall YWCA Crisis Shelters Sage Elementary School U of U Gardner Hall Renovation B YEARS WITH HUGHES GENERAL CONTRACTORS Alen was enployed wilh Hughes GenetalContractog fot all ol the above projecb. stzE $42 MM $17.8 MrU $7.7 MM $3 MM s12.4 IvtM $28.1 MM $3.2 MM $97.1 MM $24.8 MM $3.6 MM $5.1 MM $10.8 MM $16 MrV $23.6 MM ROLE Pre-con. Director Pre-con. Director Pre-con. Director Pre-con. Director Pre-con. Director Pre-con. Director Project Manager Pre-con. Director Pre-con. Director Pre-con. Director Project Manager Pre-con. Director Project Manager Assistant PM I PRE.CONSTRUCTION DIRECTOR EDUCATION: BYU - B,S., Construction Management EXPERIENCE: 20 years of experience: project manager, pre.construction director, CMO, resource allocation HUGHESBGENERAL CONTRACTORS DATE 2017 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2012 2012 2011 2010 2010 2010 2009 1999 I will perconally oversee Hughes' process of inviting subcontrac'lors and suppliers to bid the tiew Trc.Story High Schoolin order to gain maximum coverage for allscopes ofrvo*. I will track and follow up on every subcontractor nolified to be sure Hughes saves you 4% more than other CM/GCs. Slalttn'0tdbflflilttvrf / I v\ t- PROJEGT TEAM RESUMES neu{M0-smry [En sGhool rAtt - LEEDO AP IN CHARGE DIRECTOR - LEEDdAP ichols- LEEDe AP Alcorn- LEED.,AP MANAGER EXECUTIVE ith . LEEDi,AP ERINTENDENT Shapiro SUPERINIENDENT ill Blackwell ECI ENGINEER DIRECTOR Pritchard Mortenson DIRECIOR MCKINSEY IIIAI{AGEN]|ENI SERVJCES HUMMEL AKM E{,^_at_H,.\f=;I-l:1- - Participate in Oeign M€etings - 6.oer.te Sub.onn (or tnrerett - Particip.t i. PostSid Fevi.w - Gene6te S! bcontractor tnterest - tusirt in PostBid R.view - Prcjed Ptanninq & site A.atvsis - Eha.et Poject ream Memb'qs - Con5tru.ti6. Do.umEnr Fdim:re 5ukontractorMarketing - 6enerate Sub.ontcctor l.teresr - Detalled Do.uhent Feview Review Estimates&6MP -Over*ePost Bid Review - Evaluate SubconrdctoB sids Asiiit in PostBid R€view Oetailed Docufr ent Review - Astkt in schedule Oe@loFme.t - P.ovide lnsight with Comptex Compl.t. Assignmehrs on Soliciting sub@ntractoR - Asrittin S.hedule OeEtopment - Umit.d Design Meting P..ti.ipation -Arsist io 5<h.dule Oewlopmenr -Pre<onstru<tin M€etingi - Assitt an P6t Bid R.view - Help Genarate Sub.ont6ctor Inrer.stPrcj<t i,4an.gem6t Log Cre.tion - Pa.ti.ip.t in Design Meetings - A$i5t in Schedule Oewlophent -Pre{onstru<tis M.etingr - Consttu.tion Log S.t-Up FIELD ENGJNFFRPO5ITTON Team [.,lember Nime I PRE.GONSTRUGTION ORGANIZATIONAL GHART nswlwo-slory [ign sc[001 .A W-j ,l BC,/-X t:T- - sch.dulin9 of Fi.ld cr€ws - s! bc6tr..to. Mmlnkration - Cdrku.tion sup.Ririn - S{bconE .tor Coadination -Conrtrucion tupedkion - Sub6ntra<tn(6dimtion ' P.. Cfintu.don M..tings - A.i$ ln P6t 3id Rdi.w H.lp G.h.r.t subcontr.d6r tnt pjt - Poj<t M.n.gtr.nt L.g Crc.tion DGUm.nr n.ei.w & (ohpt,.nc. . lnttall.tion & Mo(k Up CohptEnce N Pratt - LEED"jAP IPAL IN CHARGE N DIRECTOR - LEED'AP ECT MANAGER Alcom - LEED,AP ECT EXECUTIVE lSmith- LEED, Ap ERINTENDENT Shapiro SUPERINTENDENT BillBlackwell ECT ENGINEER ry Pritchard DIRECTOR RS ENGINEER MCKINSEY HUMMEL AKM t E5TIMATOR To14/Nkhoh - l Itl] r',P ASStST. SAFETY DJREC TON MontyMoncnson I CONSTRU GTION PHASE ORGANIZATIONAL CHART &newtwo-$tory [ign sG[ool T I I I GEOT H ERMAL AC HIEV EMENT S On Davis Elementary #62, we worked closely with the design team to develop an innovative approach to lhe geolhernal energy system that reduced the overall elect c demand of the building by approximately 20%. Hughes explored the option of reducing the geo loop well field and the consequencas such a measurc would have on gas consumption. There was aheady a boiler designed into lhe buitding for the very cold days in lhe middle of winter. By upsizing lhe boiler and rcducing the geo loop well field, the calculation for gas usage did not increase substantiaw but the reduction in the well field saved almost $375,000. This figure includes the increased cosl of an increased boiler capacity. HIGH PERFORMANCE BUIID"V6 SYSIEM We are completing construction of the first building to be built under the new requiremenb of the Slate of Utah High Pertorning Building System, We used the training we rcceived on lhis building to help vet several new details in order to construct a more eflicient building envelope, while avoiding the potential pitfalls of the incorrect use of certain insulation details, t PROCESS USED TO ENSURE THE NEW TWO- STORY HIGH SGHOOL MEETS THE BUDGET Prciect cost conllol starts duing design. We provide hudget insight dwing the design process so thal decisions arc nade with cost inplications taken into considealion. Ow estinating prccess duing constuction involves a 300+ line iten brcakdown for each bid package, We account lot fees, pernits, and all othet ptoiect costs in otdet to provide as exact numbels as possibre fo, out clients. we will ptovide updales to this estinate helween 4-10+ tines on a prciecl, lf no voice lot staying in budget is present, design decisions can get made ignoing consideralion fot the budget. Hughes can be the voice rcprcsenting the proiecl hudgeL Decisions need to he nade rcgading the best places to spend linited construction funds. Bidding lhe prcject will ptovide feedback as to whethet the prciect is in budget or not but charges at this point can be palnful and expensive: painlul because things that werc desired and thought to be included in the prcject may need lo be rcnoved frcm the Noject and expensive because rcdesign cosls money, We have an excellenltnck rccotd olavoiding bid day sutptises on the oven budgel That heing said, pafl of gefting into budget is not only to obtain a lot ol qualitied bids, hut to obtain bids frcn "hungry" subs, ones that see the ptoject as being a good fit fot theit wo*load, oryanization, etc, On a recent prciect, the comhined diflercnce in the low bids and the second bids in the naior tndes was 6% of the ovenll bid cost. ln other wods, changing 13 bids (hon the low to the second bid) would have nisedthe pdce by apprcxinately 6%, We al Hughes will do everylhing we can lo save money lot the ownet ldeas of ourc have added value to ptojects in the past, as detailed in othet portions ot this ptoposal, and we will put the same amount of eflod into developing options fot the New Two-Story High School. oo =(,o oUII(9, I 5o E = SIMILAR TYPE OF JOB ^'#tv f,g Owo..a A6tg.t Sdlool4ro.d do,'r dry I 'Ea l--- II I\l) I tl 1'lu t I -----r- ,! {n t_ L Hughes provides (, G'-(, tt th UJ oII E E3 16 45 14 43 12 41 40 t41.6 Schornatic DD 30%Eslimals Erlimat6 Estimato gtd Day ln idllloo!50- 19- 48- 17- 16- SOBBLE HEAD APPR6 14 ( TOTAL PROJEGT BUDGET GONTROL 30 N NEV tt l(.l )S H "This firm came to us with an incrcdible rcputation of qualily work and an excellent completion record.I personally worked very closely on this ptoject and the team from Hughes. Their character and integ ty was rema*able. When anyone from the team said that something would be done, lT WAS!!" Paul Grube, Superintendent Sweelwater County School D isttict #2 307.350.7585 "Many of the projects thal Hughes General Contractots has been involved wih have been difiicult, having to work with and in between school adminisaratod, district adninistrators, and public and city entities. Throughout the entire process with these difiicult prcjects, they have maintained control ot the situation and have provided us with lhe information we have needed in a very professional manner." Rick Conger Director of Facilities Services Canyons School District 801.826.5100 I I SCHEDULE MANAGEMENT Hugres uses Mictosoft Prcject for scheduling. Proiect schedules arc often dynanic: this is why it is inpodant to disttibute updaled schedules to the prcjecl teams on a rcgtlar basis. As constuction prcceeds, Hughes looks for opportunities to gain proiect momentum and make adjuslnents as necessary to complete on time. We hold weekly meetings wherc we pass out three week look ahead schedules. We ftequently comparc planned activity durution with lhe resources allocated to that activity (manpower, tools) to make sure deadlines arc met. Coordination between all sub-tades is key. Marketing, Scheduling, Phasing As design continues and costs are compated againsl hudge/s, more detailed schedules will be developed, bidding apryoaches will be dhcusse4 ard subconttactor/supplier inlercst will he fostercd. Hughes aveds much headache by involving quality subcontracto6 in the budget discossio,s, keeping on top of schedule, and taking advantage ol the 6estp/ces, We will: ldenfu long lead itens as they relate to the prcject schedule Evaluate whethet to go outtor early bids ot mate al procurement Provide subcontactot feedback to architect and consultants Make schedules a patt ol the bidding documen6 Develop a list of altenates il necessary Advedise bid dates in local constuction publications and in plan rcons Hughes builds projects a ovet the Midwest We have an exceptional following of qualified subcontactots and suppliers that will do work anwhere Hughes is wo*ing. The goal is to get sevetal qualified subcontactorbids in every tade discipline on all prcjects. This na*eting apprcach has wo*ed lor every client. As this prcject is marketed to potential subcontactorc, it is inportant to asceftain their cuffent financial position. We want to select subcontactors thal arc financially strong and stable, One way Hughes will do this is to tequest bonding and othet tade infomation. Hughes and out bonding conpany will check their tinancial status to make surc they will be around to finish the prcject. We may want to considet honding some of the laryer subcontnctots especially if the sprcad in the bidding is a concen and the subcontraclor insists thete arc no problens with theh hid. Management of Subcontractors Subcontnctots and suppliers will play a majot role in gefting lhis facility built and we want then to succeed. Contioual managenent is crucial. We choose subcontaclors who add the best value to the selected prcjecl and employ custonized methods to assisl them, such asj I n I I'}B rt +.t: iI . Paylor storcd materials. Allow subs with an ahundance of manpowet to get ahead ol lhe schedule without hurying olhets, Assistwith Noject coordination, Pay tinely. Help with possible manpower issues. Schedule effectively so if is easy for subs to do their work. Make surc lhe prcjecl's schedules ate underslood. Considet subcontaclor suggestiors lor altemative means and methods. Help solve Noblems. Be a team play$ and be faitI H a I SGHEDULING newtwo-story [ig[ sG[001 BVILLE JOINIl HUGHES GENERAL CONTRACTORSCHOOI l!- Lt t , EXAMPLES Ben Lomond High School This prciect was compleled on tine and accoding to client stipulations. Hughes acconplished this by enploying the aforcmentioned practices. As a nulti'phased demolition and rcnodel it was essential lhat Hughes closely cotlahotated wi(h the school administation toestablish time fnmes to acconplish the wo* in the vatious areas of the school, fhe maslet Noject schedule was developed using thisinfomation and input frcn the project team, including subconlnctors, At weehly cootdination meetings, not only was lhe thrce weei look ahead schedule an item of discussion, but also future ateas of the schoo, ryere discusse d to assute all Neliminary wo* (such as rerculingpowel heating, etc.), would be completed so arcas could he laken ofl line at the scheduled times. This collaborative effort resulled in projeit success, Salem Hills High School The high watet table on the selected site fq lhis high schoolwas a majot scheduling challenge, Notonly did arcas needto be dewatered. but once dewatercd, lhe areas needed to dry out fot approximately three weeks to allow the ground to stabilize, Removal and impod ot fill was too costly of an option. By collaborating with out subcontactors and the design team, we determined it best to begin actual underground imqovements and vedical constuclion wo* at the nechanical rcom atea since this allowed the major subcontractor trcdes to begin theitwo* in the disttibution section ol the voiect an;d allowed lhem to work in two dhections. Although we werc faced with a potentiat delay due to site selection, the team was able lo ovetcome this challenge through collaboratiye eflorls that locused on what was besl lot lhe Wjectnlher than whal was convenientfor any one team memher. Salt Lake Regional Athletic Complex The scheduling of this prciect was highly challenging due to the fact that lhe site development contnctot hired p ot to Hughes caused a foutnonth delay. Consequently, we (Hughes), as the genetal conlractor, werc lorced to statl fou months tate. This jeopadized a rugby sports tournament thal lhe city (the owner) aheady had scheduled to take place at the new facilv Underctanding this need, we collahorated with the owner and suhconlnclor to focts our wo* elforts on compleling the most critical areas of lhe complex first. fhis eoabled the cW to hold thefu rugby tounament as scheduled. How to Enforce Contract Schedule Compliance Contact schedule compliance is easy when all prcject team members buy-in on the frcnt end of the prcject. Buy.in happens when allproject tean nemberc patticipate in the creation Nocess ol lhe schedule, unda$tand prcject goals, and understand how their podion ol the work fi,s with the prciecl as a whole. Effective Noject schedules arc enforced by involving a project bam members in its design, getting commitments from all leam members, and holding rcgulat update discussions. A prcject schedule is dynamic in naturc. ll will change throughout the project time period due to issues that come up. The teans' ahw toidenw these issues and underctand theh elfecls assisf il, schedule conpliance. Somelimes cicumstances arise thal cause a pafticulat trade to fall behind. Because Nojecl ptogrcss is pad of out weekly subconftactot coodination meeting, we wi idenw this scenatio ea y and lake steps fo gel progress bact on track, This includes adding manpower to thelagging tade, assisting the subcontactor in finding additional manpowet, and making atangements to allow them to wotk longer hours ot asecond shift. We have lound lhat wo*ing with subconttactors and helping them succeed is far beltet than sending them notice, kicking then ofl ol the job, and finding anothet company lo take oveL new turo-story [ign school ry HUGHES GENERAL CONTRACTORS BEN LOMOND HIGH SCHOOL SALEM HILLS HIGH SGHOOL SALT LAKE REGIONAL ATHLETIC COMPLEX I t lfli -; ffii# t' I\llBC JcffSokol Cotrstuctioo Ptoject N{anager Salt Iake City Corporatiod sJu[,utruqfl iY]q0&o-e$trsNr Deccmbcr 3,2014 In my role as a projecc manager for Salt I.ake City aod orhet companies, I have had the oppottLLo.ityto rvork wid multiple contractors ifl trrc arca. The SaIt Lake city r\tlletic complex is rhe i'sr timeI\r rrorkcd with Hughes Geneml Cotrhacrors. This project has givcn mc thc opportuniry to workclosely with both fe.ld aod ofEce staff from Hughes. I am irnptessed with their elployccs anctc.:rpabilities. 'r'he Hlrghes staff that I irterface with rcgurady erc_g€od cob-tnudcators and probrern soh,ers. Theyfollov' up on open irems afld prcvcnt thiflgs from slipping tfuough the ctacks. It makes my job rnor!managcablc whct contra*or ptovide solutions iflstead ofiust looking for answers. Hughes noronly docs this frcquendy but nlso provides ideas that save both tirne ""d -""cy. Hughes has_enough cquipmcnr and mnnpower to rrlke care of large complex projefis with difEcultschedules. I have obscrve'd the extensire tcsou_rccs of Hughes \r-orki',g io e*ie,lice rr* sch".lrl"cvcry day. I appreciate rle significaflr cffort and cmphasis oa dcadlines at ttri beginning as rven asthroughout the project. Additionalll I knorv thar our projectis at the rop of llughes' pnority Iist Nlulriple mernbers of themanagement tc^m at Hughcs visit thc projeet to ensurc rlat thjngs are nroniog smootbl,". Ircutilely see a vice presidenr or cornpelry ou.oer Gom Hughes viiir t-he projeci to check up onprogtess. It's grcat to kflow that ou! project matte$ to tllern. I believe that Hughes is ofl€ of just a few cootrnctors i-o Utah thac could Landle out projccl Thc pLoiecr is oot a simple job and reguires gualiry work, scnicc, and nrruug.-cnt *l,ilirn..Lilg, v.rytight timeframe. Based o,, theit efforts ()n dre Salt I rke City Athletic C_-omplex, I can recon,Dend I-hrghcs for si-rnilat projects. The company has all thc caperririries of rhe bilcst corrtactots i, drestatc but offer thc persoaal attmtion of a small company-llughcs is thc best ofboth worlds. Sincerelnr'4 I I I ? B v V VV v vvvv v v EiEgs$EgH s=srEB$si $Eaig$g$l *s i"rE $€ r E HsE;triE =s3.;9;R€s*[Es***ds_5s;E;=19;3EHE $tiE$:E - EL=-rD (D SSo I o Q = IES;*HS; 3 te.r =E g E 1s*.3 g E'o d 99.Q d taEE* H i }S $$$}E$i s*$$t;3i $E s$E* $i3tEss $$$E€$$ =g$ sFlE = =.O* oa (D ciui S c = (,r = ^\. $; tssi $ $c$858fl (Ds =(Da.E o6 =odgct=-(D!,:r lQ dtr,oErsiq;,ots- ASqlg SE63:L(, EH6' !r =;!t -.;.s*8EEoq,!rt6'3Sc)ats =3or(,,-\(D(li sE$[ ..OD'=!t(ac'E(:EFcoileos -oE$_lrsaistciE<t _sr E-. 6' aa !,6=ge. =.Ea$ =q,odo(t,E!'S!(D n!;.Ear(D6= OtrEtSEss8ts. =Soo ()(D o D)E! oo, o5qtsa.I o,F(Do =(D !q, 3os oIsaa (D!, EaD- o =E!, oc (^trEFoo5 oiooa o,SEL t! oa F ahctr I E!, !,!! =oo o = o oo{ .D S (D E.Do>ro (D o o a, =(Doer =It Ea) o oo EToo oioo A,sa. ar, ii! o ar; oS oac:. =r aa-a,1s xq, a (D (D D (D !or q,tE oq, oS\ oo(D a- (D dtrot, o -a- o € So Etr o U,trE()o5 qtoo;q,5a.o EE (D S o o CL qtt aot (Dg It 3 !ta i! :! 5 z, 'si !: lrl 'Ii E! 3 v E f"".1 I r-r Et r-r E EE Ioco6til>o HE sEto FEIt{ F2 ott, w,s, OI9J.\F>rL EO =-imao I riD. -c ctc IE U'C, €c I I \ - I u 1l JrfEf_r_ftl T_r--I - E- o r869 $lE o:*:tl'ta*E n c$ FE 3Eze ,I ,B '5 &$s E33 4 Bd Ig3 s q E: ii wo I o t t.t ll Zzrn t- m c-- Z { @ C) a r) .U I \ I ii EI r I. I J ,U!'il ! t, l. 1 tIt'I=oot-(f I IrI ,la I,!tl n \ o 6 q It 3 IF E !Do{ !mv.ll ov =z I F,E OI9L*F>tL EO nlrim 7,o II f I / / \ l! I \ \1om LD EN I STRICT lefft-cr-ECJl{le!sle B Srorr, Pr.i&ir Jcnnifer zu.dd, Vie Pr.rid. Don E. A.L{DJ.FL.HMi, Skv.nl- Muk r Joycc Wil5m B dC Shnh, supdintnd. Eu3cn. N H,4 Burirc$Adminisr or 15 November 2013 Associated Builders and Contractors Awards Committee, Re: Ogden High School Dear Ladies and Genllemen I am the Superintendent of Schools for the Ogden City School District. Prior to becoming Superintendent, I was a member of our local school board. ln these two roles, lconcerned myselfdeeply with the restoration efforts at Ogden High School. Ogden High School is a beloved and integral part of our city. I was supportive of the decision to expend tens of millions of dollars to restore, update, and improve Ogden High School. I was disappointed, initially, that our efforts did not include the school auditorium. Our community, through lhe efforts of our school foundalion, stepped up and provided more than $10 Million in volunlary contribulions lo reslo,e the audrlorium We knew the job was going to be challenging and were anxious to see that all necessary repairs, both struclural and cosmetic, were carried out without disturbing the original Art Deco architecture for which the auditorium is famous. I was pleased to see the same enthusiasm and care demonstrated by the work of Hughes General Conkactors. Hughes General Contractors exhibiled the highest level ofdedication and commitment to this process; dedication which was heightened because ofthe specialsource offunding for this project. ln addition, all ofthe restoration and construction efforts were done while school remained in session. For four successive years, students, faculty and staff comingled with construction workers. While the potential for difficullies for both sides was inherent in this project, none materialized. That was largely due to Hughes General Contractors' sensitivity and expertise Hughes Gene.al Contractors exhibited the utmost professionalism in their approach to the restoration efforls. They were willing to work with the school's faculty and administration to develop a schedule that enabled school to remain operational throughout the conskuction process. They broughl the building up to seismic code while keeping both the interior and rrrhE.tstrd,q6, ur,&e'sD3017,,0'w$qogdtrdo3 exterior walls intact, the roof was replaced without the elements damaging the ceiling,plasterwork was repaired, colors were restored to their original vibrancy, and new lighting andsound capabilities now complement the historic stage. ln both signiflcance and degree of difflculty, this project is most definitely award-winning. Byany measure, the restoration of Ogden High School is the pinnacle of the construction ;rts. - Respectfully, ,;:.,,r/,^),* Brad C. Smith Superintendent N OGDIN SCT]OOL ABC National EIC Selection Committee 4250 N. Fairfax Drive, 9d Floor Arlington, VA 22203 - t607 Sincerely,Janis B. Vause Janis B Vause, Executive Director November 13,2013 Secrcarylfreasurer 'Io Whom It May Conc€rn, As someone actively involved in the Ogden communiry, I can speak for the impact that theOgden High School auditorium has on the Iives of local residenis. This unique structure has been a source ofpride for the people of Ogden, who have enjoyed not only thestimulating people, perfomanc€s, and activities it draws, but th; beauty ofthe auditoriumitself. It is a shining example ofthe eclectic Art Deco style ofarchitecture that swept thenation delades ago. Thaiks to the expertly executed work of Hughes General Contractors,this building can not only continue to be appreciated for its hislorical and aesthetic value,but as a functioning platform for the arts. Originally built by flmds supplied by the New Deal in the 1930s, the auditorium hadreached a level ofdisrepair that was dangerous. Because ofthe amount ofmoney it wouldtake to restore, rather than demolish arld replace with a newer model, it was in danger ofbeing tom down. Community memtrers like me \rould not allow this to happen. Werallied axound our beloved auditorium and raised the necessary funds to save it. Needlessto say, we were eager to see that the auditorium was restored with cztre and precision. Hughes General Contractors delivered_ They were sympathelic to our needi and carefulwith_our money. They developed and implemented innovative techniques of seismic reinforcement that preserved the original embellishments. The plasterwork and coloringinside the auditorium were cracked and faded with age. HLrghei sought out qualilv craftsmen to repair and restore the work until itshonelikeniw. In fict, they'hirej ChuckJames, who had apprenticed under the masters who did the original work inthe audito um.The features were actually restored using the same techniques, and even some ofthe sanetools! The people ofOgden are ecstatic with thet restored auditorium that now enjoys newlighting and sound systems. Elderly alum_ni are delighted to see their old stomping groundsshine like new. We are grateful to all ofthose who allowed this to happen. Ifevei ttrcrewas a restoration job deserving of recognition, it is this one. 1950 MONROIT Bt.VD. * OGI)trN, trTAH 84401_0619* (801) 731_730s * tAx (iot) 627-7676 i E H h h lr l1 tr I;l I :1 T l :I e GDEN Borrd ofEdu.,ri.n Sha.e B Slory, Pr6idqt Iennif.r Zund.l, Vie Preid.nr Do.Beln.p .,.lI L H is .,crN. tteine, Sr.vcn L Muker JoyceWitson B6d C Snnh, Superinrddent Euge.e N Haq Brsin.s Administ.atorfiEnportering ExteIlence 'l htouglt Education Associated Builders and Contraclors National Selection Committee, Thank you for your consideration, Ken Crawford- Director of Support Services for Ogden School District It is with great preasure that r write this retter of recommendation for Hughes Generarcontractors to be considered for the 20i 3 ABC Nationar Excelence in constriction AwaiJinthe Historical Restoration/Renovation category. I cannot think of a finer organization that ismore deserving of this award. This project was very difficurt and faced many chalenges, yetHughes' construction team on the ogden High school Auditorium were able to bring Inno,iativesolutions to every obstacle that got in our way. They always went the extra mile to riake theproject a complete success. One of the big challenges on this project was funding. Over g million dollars in privatedonalions were needed to complete this project. on top of that, the project started right bef;rethe recession making it even more difficult to get contributions from the public. Hugh-esattended fund raisers, gave potential donors tours of the project, did rv interview;and so forthto get the word out about the auditorium renovation. lt was not necessarily in their scope ofwork but they did it anyway to make the project a success. Another difficurt situation we faced was the replacement of the roof above this 1937 artdeco auditorium. Working around the clock over a period of two days, Hughes was able tocompletely strip away the existing root and replace it without sustaining any damage lo thestructure or the delicate fagade of the facility. There was a very high risk foi damag-e to theinterior but with their fast-paced work, and a lit e help from the weather, this transiiion tookplace without a hitch. Hughes managed this task in a very timely manner and was able tominimize the risk for the roof replacement. Being a novice to the school construction business, lwas nervous about being broughtin part way through construction and put in charge of compreting such an iconic projict in tiiscommunity. One of my biggest concerns was working with a construction company i was notfamiliar with. I did not want to be taken advantage of. With such a big price tag, I a-lso did noiwant to make a costly mistake, especially one that would be visible for everyone to see. Nowthat the project is complete and I can look back on it, I am happy to say thai Hughes Generalcontractors was an excellent partner and constanfly strived to give me accurate informationthat allowed me to make informed decisions. They gave me sound advice that has helpedmake this an award winning project. These along with many more reasons are why lfeelHughes General contractors are deserving of this award and should be recognized for theirhigh quality of work. SCHOOL DISTRICT BEII LOilOltD HIqfl SCtrOOL Home of the Scots - Buitding CHAMpIONS Benjamin M. Smith, principal 25 October 20t0 Mr. Dan Pratt Herm Hughes Construction 900 N. Redwood Rd. Norrh Salt Lake City, UT 84054-0700 Dear Dan, Ben Smith Ijust vvanted to write a letter of appreciation to you and to your team that I had theprivilege ofworking with thrcugh the construction process ofour new school. For someone who has very little knowledge of what it takes to demolish halfofa school at atime and build in the same location, I will be forever $ateful for the patience your team showed while working with mc and including me in the decision proiess when needed. My thanks go out specifically to Mr, Doug Shapiro, the onsite sup€intendent oftheproject; Mr. Shautr Thohpsotr, who worked \Mith us on the day to day progression oftheproject; Mr. Patrick Alcorn and Mr. Gene Madsen, who oversaw our project. Of couse there are other members ofthe team who worked under the direction ofthese four gentlemen and my thanks also go out to them. I know that this wa.s a tremendous undertaking with the scope of our project herc at BenLomond. Your workers were professional, timely, and thorough th(oughout this project for the past 4 years. They have been honest ir the dealings with me hire at the iuiidinglevel and always did more than was asked to accomplish the rask at hand. Being able to keep school going on half ofthe construction site was a major undertaking and your staff did a remarkable job neeting our needs throughout the phasing process. Congratulations on creating for us a wonderful school to educate our children in the BenLomond atteodance area. It is a beautiful building and our community is extremely pleased with the finished product. Your team that worked with us went above and beyond and I feel like they made me a better person for having worked with them duringthis project. Ijust wanted you to know ofmy appreciation for them. Thanks for havinp; such great people to represent your company. Sincerely, 1080 9rt Street, Ogdo, Utah 8440d BOI-737-I900 smirhb@ogdeNd.org J fr^fr;rt..- I I r Z $It ry" ?s I I 6rttrt . i': #t I D!l._! =I a .11 ,": l- + I:}li"{,.n ,fl'a .:'i-ill { ,E !lI II I II I T rI Il-l-o7.m --Of'l II IoI.L EI q a= 8+9iJgq EBEd taiagi$igEEfEli=ir-i$iE;tiEfrier c 9rPdaf dior56'o ggf$iifgffligii m <3 g3 t I le =I=d I , o=JQ 6:* o=-o!- q9 iaBo s3 9E +d oz ==m Dztr oz trc E'om{ z ac) -oo U6 -lil =1etJL.JczaE-l?6 3ae^) & I+ CoI.L mo omzma t'ooz-{a o-.tov .-L- _. ,t E-:f- fa )r I) r I I .I 'I ,-lI I I i a I i I $aiiitsEE+ii1 iif[g$g$Eii; iEi$griEi;i; ,l ( zg a 6- 'it \'\\ Dr. Steven K. HiradesuP.rinlendenr of 5choor( To Whom It May Concem, As the superinlendent ofa,maller school district, I was beavily involved in our district,sconstructio[ €rdeavors. Having worked with a variety ofconsru"tio, -aruge.Vg.nc.utcootractors, what struck me about Hughes Cene(al Contractors was tt. "uttulc ofqralty thecompany has crcated. From lhe highest management positioD to the laborers in tlrc field, Hughcsemployees demonstntcd time and time again a concem thal the p-j"cti" ione *"ff una U" aonecorrectly the fiIst time. Hughes worked with us on rebuilding Hillcresr Junior High, a complex project that involvcdpuchasing and demolishing 23 homes to extend the site. W" U-rinr ff,rgi", * earty and tfieywere extremely helpful in developing solutions to messy issues. Hughes ias at the table fordesign and pre-consEuction meetings wilh a problem_solving mentality; they didn,t waste timepobli'g fi,gers. Tbcy demorstrated a concem for or pocketbook. They had cxce[entsuggestions and worked hard to do what was besr for the school district arid not what was easiestor more profitablc for their company. They really unde$tand school work and needs of facultiesard students. Because l.hey helped us cstablish the budger in rhe vcry beginring and kept us apprised ofanydeveloprnents, we nevcr had to worry about thc outcomc. I,u" *ort"a *itf, ott ir constructionmanagets/generd contractors who durnp surp ses oD us at bid day which resulr in ou, havrDg tomake drastic and dekimental cuts to our project. I-lughcs, numbers were clear aDd thcte were nosurprises, It really does mafter who you choosc as your Ctr4/GC. I would definitely use Hughesagain and my recommendation oftheir services is without reservatiol Sinccrely, .,1 /r-r-,//;/-J fr1u^4 August 26, 2015 Richard R. Tranlcr Formcr Superintendent Project Manager Mu.ray Ciry School Disrricr Murray City School District j l-t t t - - I rrr E[tEflI:iL--I ErIIEr I IT F l,' r rts r I a ooz.{Doi Elrarl ,^C)'EY3hHiEgfl:O-rIoEli3::I f;t!P77!!t!, H r-II{t rI I ! I.l IDE rHIre - E/ -l I * 1{Igrf, rz ou- D{ o = EI..JE) - I II lt woZZm m C-aZ. {oo:foor:(f CN -{=?rE/3-\*,&-Jai*2 tl -tv6 3a3^) & -.L Co o omztnv |-ooz-la o-ton IE rrF s I - IrLIoI * ooI.LooF t III IIII -r J I I l Dear CommiLtce Members, Ianr$TtUn8thisletteronb€halrofllurhesGeneralConLractors.whoereinrerviewrntsrvilhyoLr dlstrict for rI. construct on ofa new high school. ll""I1T:l?,,'"'J:ilil::'ffJft'"",*,:ili"ff;l lj::l"xj:i:.ti:llll,v orthe tunds to be spenr mon ora rchvanion or-o,,,.i*r. rh; B.;;;i;;i;;;;;:;'.r*J.::l :iT-1der,vas actuarry iff f: fll:t::1T:i:'l:fi *:#ilxl':Yj:ji'" ,;il fi ::1"'"""i: :'T''u[::;'H *F.fd:l.{i:ii,{il:,r J,r:iriT;iit} il,tTi:Tt;,?"lff ,tJ:."i1 ij,;::l**,"" we hlred HuShes ceneralconEractors as our _cMcc. Irw€sanoutslandrnschorce,onerhatwearcv.rygnr.fulfor. HuShes has been a parr 8rv. us tr,? ttchnorory a"r.r,* ,.**,ii1.",,'l"l;;: :::,.:::,;llllrl"iir uniquc racir,ry rhar wrl coo,rtrtE!.nt to the disb-jct tias at*"ay" u""n to p;;ril;;; ^_.::rr(ury rearners. Their orderto tu[RIr ourexpectatrons. rheyhavc.'nl i;;;;;];,;;ff;',i:';;'.'],| H:]lJfl,j,"13ffi',,,:Hi".l"},::ffi::il.;::fl:Ji:,,H,:i:[,;'""',",ff:iHln',1i 0,0,.",0,,,,, Hqthe! Ccneral Conrradors has spent countless hours working on our behalf in 8enin8 subcontrectora who wlll give us the required ctcmehts LhaL.rF haerla,r r^- rr^ ..-: - :ilffi:LTliTi;ii"Tliliiii.'"lHi:lq: :,,.. i;;,;;;:,"i; ;; ill:;:.ffi ;:1"" tr'. "Jm* i,. i*" ;;il;;:;;:'' t""' "' mission' comn,unicarion rvrth (hc drstrirl aDd $ irh & tb. forh€rsuperintendentand now asHtllb.s .t a mlntmum on a weeklv basis Jl:.dltui:t *'ltlt"tiun liaison, l havc worked ciosely wirhHrit'* ro"*'*itr, tiui;;';;;':'l;:ii',.:::" 'eetins allowed ror !he distri(L Lo see up closc t;w cbrl'trucdon expectation, ,. *",, ", ,"o.u,l1Yes thelr sub contractors with tJ,e complcxrry or ourdt5trtdcrnptoy;es,Huf,t".r,"r""*.'""1,i'illn"rsitcwirhlT00hrshschoolsr.denLsand2s0 rt a.rs "na t"-rt. -' rwrl jrSht ol our needs or conrprornlsed lhe salcEy orour lcouldnot$tnkofabetl.tconcrdctorLobuildyournewhighschuoJthrnHughcsGeneral Lohfactors. They have tlc intlrgrity, rhe e)o.vfloprDenr of a 21, c"^*., ,."*'", ,r.,l,'jrtrse' and lhe p€ssron to be a prr rncr with you rn the Ifyou h.veany furrherque<rrons, Dlease t. ,rursfuf.Cil.cal@fa;dr-,_--, p,.^c ,cet free !o con racr me at 43s-7s7-8243 or by emaitj C.nenl Contsictoa Sclccuon Committ € Davis School District Slnc!rely Iqarsha I R. Carr€n Ed.D Fonner Su pe rinte ndent Lo8nh Cig Schoot Disrricr I I i I August24,2015 EB 9- I ffi""-r --,E-- -----ErqrElIF EIi. rtrt,"€ftl *o-.8 aaE6 AaSossaS889 E a;go :l4 5F 9.e +OirE itg E3=d,o :t 8; E I '[Ei|i[l!a-r OZ.Z.m r rnc-o z. -la C)Too (f6 -{il W,, ET*s>L boi-imfro ft rTla -7I ;I \ oz :3 m Dzo oz q,c E'om-{ IoIJ. ooI.Lool- I i a ? I I tr I I \ /'q- \ I I lt l-J I SeFEF garf;fEggi ggig$$E$iEiFii iiiEE iffii$iFi ESEFE$EES$ESF $FEFFF$FFf,Fff .!, ll-l t-.t t I I Etr aes#27OO KEARNS DOULEVAflD PAR I( CITY, U] 84060 OFf IC T t43sl 645.560O lri3sl 645 -5609 X;:1J,",;lH:fl*:ir''ff:i:,",.;"#:ro*inswithHushescercrarcon,racro*. rhave wo*ing nigrrts.anj we"*",i,, ,i,*'n*"jJl'i,il:",l;fl:::']i,i,,:Tli:,y:l.llm[ '" i,llliiij"{ill]li;"Y1"".T i::*.1'l i"T' *" *o* ,r'u, ou, *i, I"ir-i ul,n "1." on ,i^" ti,nu r'"" ""*"i u" t'" il#H#,::# rwct rnissed a deadline lor the dumtion of Hughes' dcsign meeling pa icipation is always beneficiar. They work w€, i{ith architects inffi:}fflffiT:il"":::ffiil:fi:[,iii:::y"r':"1","i""i,'.u,i,".'iir'il,gr'.,,"r,ung" consrructio,r- so that thereffi ;ffi :fil',:"]l';l[ :l:::"y"';]H:?ff :,l}"*i;;; "" managcment organizarion I,vc workcd wirh n""errirot. muttipte ci** 0",.i"o,,1'1.0, ,ofinally gct thc project complete. I apprccialc Hughes, strict safety rulcs and pEctices. They-arc considemte ofthose adjacent lolheir construclion plojecls and lake ptecaulions to provide for the safely and comforl ofourproj.cr's ncighbors. I highly recommend rhrc "orpuny ,r,"y "rrrui, ,"r.i.r""lili.** *n* To Whom It May Concern, Sincerely, Todd Hansen Director ofBuildings & Grounds Park City School Dish.ict [] l)U(-All()\l Al i)(illlllrl (t I . \\\ tYl^A[Ul. EgEE T$EE E$EE F$EF re l! 6' a5. { tsa GI Elr tre6 C^ oc! E ,$$FgEE ETE $F$ tis; f,c $s$${F P:l SS I * E (a (E ca E C5o5 $' sffig (6str (a eE Ca bc!oE si.g3; Si +E*i$ig ;3S:SE3 EiFgi$$ FF s9:l E.u 3€' oaFtG et 66 19rti Ir = daEa Qa 6 C! s 6 vn'llm7mzomo I E :4 E 3 gi a=r ce ['9sE S qa asE5:.I l.I I g E0O=9*5e(ot E'a 6-e e-o} 5 e;J:', it c C o & ) Joo tl,n CD =